In Keijo, Korea, I was speaking through a Korean interpreter who did not have prefect understanding of the English language; during the course of my message I said, “Now, I will tell you a story.” To the limited English of my interpreter a story could only be an untruth; therefore he interpreted in Korean: “Now I will tell you a lie.” Fortunately, a missionary present who understood both languages came to the rescue and explained to him in Korean that the English word ”story” was also a true illustration. The native congregation enjoyed the “confusion of tongues” immensely, but they re-adjusted their position on the oriental grass rug floor, and leaned forward to hear a true story from a foreign land. While speaking for a number years to people of many languages, every color, and varying stages of culture, from primitive jungle Indians in the Gran Chaco Boreal of Paraguay to university students in centers of learning, I have observed that the human mind relishes a lively, true story, possibly more than any other prepared material. The true story is a powerful illustration if dexterously used by the public speaker, as it not only illustrates and defecates his discourse but becomes an integral part of the personality of the audience. They live on in the hearts of men from generation to generation, after synthetic-fictional stories have been buried by the vicissitudes of time. Hundreds of persons in the course of my travels have said, “Tell me a story of your world travels.” Mr. Clarence Jones, co-founder and director of HCJB, the Voice of the Andes, Quito, Ecuador, after hearing some of my stories given over his radio station requested, “Put them in book form and send me a copy to read over HCJB.” Therefore I present a volume of true stories.
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